September 2020 Update


Sydney HQ

We're pleased to inform members that we'll be further expanding our timetable from Tuesday the 1st of September 2020. This timetable will apply until further notice - we anticipate that we will maintain this timetable until the end of the year.

By popular demand, we've increased the length of our weekend afternoon classes, giving you even more reason to come and train with us on the weekend.

Your health and wellbeing continue to be our number one priority - visit our Protecting Your Health page to find out what we're doing to keep you and our community safe.

Click the timetable image below to view our new Sydney HQ timetable, effective from Tuesday the 1st of September 2020.

Sydney HQ Timetable

We are closely monitoring attendance numbers to ensure that classes do not exceed 20 students per class in accordance with social distancing requirements as of 29/07/20.

We recommend that you continue to book your classes in advance while the 20-student limit applies. This applies to Sydney HQ students only.