Suspend My Training Plan

Submit a Suspension Request

Click here to launch our Training Plan Suspension Form.

Tap here to launch our Training Plan Suspension Form.

Things to Consider

Please consider the following when submitting a suspension request:

  • Your suspension must start on a Monday.
  • You can suspend your Training Plan a maximum of four times per calendar year.
  • Your suspension quota resets if you sign on for a new Training Plan within the year.
  • You must allow a minimum of four weeks between suspension periods.
  • You cannot suspend your Training Plan if your account is in arrears.
  • Once your suspension period commences, it cannot be extended.

Please refer to the full Suspension Terms and Conditions on the Suspension Form.

End of Year Suspension Requests

Our Wing Chun schools close for approximately three weeks each year over Christmas and New Year.

As stated in your Payment Agreement or Direct Debit Agreement, holiday suspensions are not automatic because students have different suspension requirements over the holidays. Please ensure that you submit your holiday suspension dates to us before our last business day for the year.

You must settle any failed payments before submitting a suspension request.

Unfortunately, we cannot backdate suspensions in our system.