Upgrade to a Loyalty Plan

If you've been training with us for more than six months, you can save up to $520 per year by upgrading to a Loyalty Plan.

Upgrade My Plan

Loyalty Plan Eligibility

  • You are eligible to upgrade to a Loyalty Plan if you have completed at least six months of training under a Training Plan without terminating.
  • You must have made at least 13 fortnightly payments under one or more Training Plans to meet the 'six months of training' requirement.
  • You must have completed the Minimum Term of your current Training Plan.

Loyalty Plan Prices

Sydney City and NSW Branch Loyalty Plans

Loyalty Plan Cost Per Week Min. Term
Cross Trainer $44 12 months
Cross Trainer (Conc.) $39.6 12 months
Unlimited $39 12 months
Unlimited (Conc.) $35.1 12 months
Twice a Week $34 12 months
Twice a Week (Conc.) $30.6 12 months
Once a Week $24 12 months

Little Dragons Loyalty Plans

Loyalty Plan Cost Per Week Min. Term
Little Dragons - Twice a Week $30.6 12 months
Little Dragons - Once a Week $24 12 months

Upgrade Now!

Click the button below to upgrade your Training Plan to a Loyalty Plan.

Upgrade My Plan