New 'Like' and 'Share' Buttons!


Would you like to see more Wing Chun related news, updates and videos from the Academy? Let us know what you're interested in by clicking 'Like' on the pages that interest you and sharing them with your friends.

This is a great way for you to provide feedback directly to the Academy so that we may continue to update the website with material that interests you.

The Like Button

You may notice that now appears on the right hand side of each page, just below the 'Members Only' or 'Testimonials' panel.

Facebook Like Button

Clicking 'Like' on a page automatically adds the page to your Facebook profile's interests and informs the Academy that you like the page. Any of your Facebook friends who visit the page will also be able to see that you like it. Don't worry - your name and profile image will not be displayed to users who aren't your friends on Facebook.

Please go ahead and click 'Like' on pages on the website that interest you. Once a page you like has been updated with fresh content, the Academy will notify you directly via Facebook! Clicking 'Like' on your Branch's page will also allow us to keep you up to date with Branch news and events.

The Share Buttons

The Academy has also added new Share buttons to the top of each page.

By clicking Share on a page that you like, you can easily send the page to your friends via e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace or many other blog and social networking websites. Clicking 'Share' can also allow you to Print or Bookmark the page for your own reference. The Share buttons do not require a Facebook account to use.